
Dr Norman Siu
PhD (Jewellery Design), MA Design, FGA, Hong Kong
PhD (Jewellery), MA (Design), FGA (Gem-A), Consultant of Macau Goldsmith’s Guild, Vice Chairman of Gemological Association of Hong Kong, Committee member of Center for Jewelry Heritage and Innovation, China (CJHI)
Mr Evert deGraeve
Independent Jewellery Expert, USA
Owner of EDG Collection Design Studio, USA. For more than 20 years on senior management positions of Vice President (Product Development & Global Design) of international brands, such as Harry Winston, Mikimoto America, David Yurman Designs….
Dr Norman Siu & Mr Evert DeGraeve

Messages from the Co-Founders

Last year was a bewildering period. If someone tells us who can predict what the jewellery world will be in the next twelve months or two years, they are just a storyteller.

We are encountering a Paradigm Shift in the Jewellery Industry where new information emerging and old ideas conflicting with new ones have triggered crises and provoked new thoughts. The transition is always harsh, but also it provides us with a window of opportunity.

How can our creative professionals respond appropriately to this difficult transition? We have to consider some fundamental shifts in a new way of seeing, thinking and practising.

A fundamental transformation is manifested in a thinking paradigm shift from problem-solving towards systems thinking. New design approaches are moved from product design to service design. In practising, core skills, know-how and knowledge of a jewellery professionals are shifting from a specific field to the multi-disciplines. Jewellery creative professionals would and could master more opportunities through cross-disciplinary projects, incorporating interrelated professionals and interacting in persistent and collaborative ways.

To prepare yourself in this ever-changing world, you must work very hard with some like-minded people and creative professionals. With some good inspiration and good fortune, you will achieve great success in the future.

We are optimistic about the future of our jewellery industry. Through working closer ties between professional organisations, influential trade association and universities, we have already achieved some essential milestones in the past two years!

That is IAJMPP’s mission to create a strong notion of professionalism for practitioners, executives and organisations working together to share knowledge, expertise, resources and support one another’s work.