Webinar ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Training Class on 27 June 2020 organized by GAHK

Our honorary co-founder Dr Norman Siu and advisors Dr Edward Liu and Mr Tommy Tsui were the panel speakers of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Training Class on 27 June, which was organized by GAHK for GAHK members and registered CGs.
In regard to the social distancing measure, this training class was conducted online through the application of Zoom and in Cantonese. The live webinar has two sessions. In the morning session, ISO expert Mr CK Cheung was delivered his persentation with a topic of “最新推行的標準ISO/IEC17025 – 有關寶石實驗室風險評估,不確定度和判讀規則”. Mr Cheung was presented the contents and principles of lab quality management of ISO/IEC 17025:2017. This session also featured some case study on how gem lab people could manage the content of risk, uncertainty and decision rules etc in the workplace.
In the afternoon webinar session, Dr Edward Liu, Dr Norman Siu and Mr Tommy Tsui, working team members of the project of “Standard Methods for Testing Fei Cui for Hong Kong”, they shared their experience and insight with the topics as follows:-
- “翡翠的定義及測試標準國際化的優勢” (Speaker: Dr Edward Liu, Vice Chairman and Director of Education, GAHK)
- “翡翠和鑽石的檢測儀器和流程簡介”(Speaker: Mr Tommy Tsui, Director of Programme and Director of Certification & Label Scheme, GAHK)
- “GAHK寶石鑑定師專業持續進修計劃和認可寶石鑑定師(Certified Gemmologist)的登記制度(2020 April)” (Speaker: Dr Norman Siu, Director of Certification & Label Scheme and Director of Education, GAHK)