The delegation of IAJMPP in Wuhan Visit

Dr. Norman Siu has organised a group of 11 core members and fellow members of IAJMPP for an exchange delegation to visit four universities in Wuhan in October. Dr. Siu’s paper of “The Core and Strategic Mission on the Path of Branding: the Establishment of a Competent Team of Jewellery Merchandize Planning Professionals” (Chinese topic: 邁向成為一個原真品牌的歷程,珠寶企業的核心策略任務:建立「珠寶商品企劃」專業勝任團隊) was published in the Proceedings of Jewellery Annual Conference which was held at CUG on 16 – 19 October 2015. Apart from participating in the Jewellery Annual Conference, Dr. Norman Siu has given a professional talk in the Huazhong University of Technology (華中科技大學) for the candidates of Macau Goldsmith’s Guild Study Tour.
On 19 October, Dr. Norman Siu was invited by the Hubei University of Technology (湖北工業大學) to give a lecture to the students of the School of Industrial Design with a topic of “Fashionable Jewellery Design: Trend and Style”.
Dr. Norman Siu also led the IAJMPP core members to give professional presentations in the School of Jewellery and Design, Wuhan University of Engineering Science (武漢工程科技學院). There were more than 400 audiences attended their seminars.
This visit was rewarded and the outcomes were very fruitful. Wuhan University of Engineering Sciences has appointed Dr. Norman Siu as visiting professor, IAJMPP core members Mr. Thomas Ng, Mr. Gilbert Wong and Mr. Barry Yu as visiting lecturers. IAJMPP delegates had the opportunities to share their expertise amongst different universities and international participants in a number of roundtable events and occasions.